首页 > 中心资讯>NYC浙江余姚万达早教中心:9月12日--9月16日本周课程预告
01、体能主题 翻滚|Rolling
This two weeks,the physical theme will focus on Rolling. Parents can help children roll on different set-ups,which is good for their vestibular system and agility.
02、当周歌曲 Jingle Go The Baby Bells
jingle jingle jingle go the baby bells
Jingle jingle jingle go the bells
Lost them lost them where are the baby bells
Found them found them here are the baby bells
Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh go the baby bells..
Rattle rattle rattle go the clackers..
Roll-a roll-a roll-a go the clackers..
Gym Babies|(6-12个月)
Massage and Milking Touch--parents please lie your baby on his back in front of you.Sing first verse of song as you massage using heart shaped motion on baby's chest and miking touch (hold baby's arm or legs with two hands,gently squeeze to the different direction)l on arms and legs.
Gym Tots/Toddlers |(12-24个月)
Flying with Backflip--Parents lie on your back and bend your knees,Rest your child's back on your shins,Hold your child by the arms and swing your legs up and down.Kick with your legs and move your hands to your child’s waist. Your child will rotate over your head and lands behind you on their fee.
Gym Kids |(2-3岁)
Elephant Roll--parents,place your children in front of you. Have them stand with their legs apart .Have your child make on arm become the trunk (like an elephant) and put it in between his legs.His other hand goes on the floor in front Parents,reach through your child’s legs from behind and grab his "trunk" (hand),Use your other hand to support his neck,helping him tuck and do a roll
Objectives 目标
1. Hand control 手部控制
2. Color recognition 色彩识别
3. Cognitive the sun 认知太阳
Main art materials 主要艺术材料:Brush笔刷、colorful powder 彩粉、paint 颜料、oil 油、powder 粉末、soda 苏打、glue 胶水
所需材料:藕粉Lotus root powder、糖粉 Sugar powder、糯米粉 glutinous rice flour、糖桂花 Sweet Osmanthus fragrans、牛奶 milk
音乐课主题 西班牙
19 世纪末至20世纪西班牙音乐演奏有P.de萨拉萨特,他是19世纪最出色的小提琴家之一,作品有《西班牙舞曲》等;P.卡萨尔斯是杰出的大提琴家、指挥家、反法西斯战士。
Los Dias de la Semana
This is a children Spanish song that teaches the names of the days In Spanish