首页 > 中心资讯>NYC纽约国际湖州安吉中心:家庭亲子游戏课程预告


2019年07月29日 1903

Game 游戏:tabletop小桌子

benefit益处:strength and parent-child bonding 核心力量,亲子关系

How to do 如何做:

    Parents,engage kids sit on the ground by putting their hands behind their body.bend their knee.then pressing the hips toward the ceiling from a base of flat feet(directly under knees) and hands(directly under shoulders).the body should be in a sreaight line from the shoulders to the knees.for the one who need more strength to support,parents please help them by pushing up his back.家长引导 小朋友屈膝坐在地面上。双臂置于背后双手支撑于地面。家长双手托住其髋部向上抬起,使其肩部腹部及膝部呈水平姿态。如果小朋友力量不足,家长可以托住其背部加以辅助。

